



基本情報 … Basic Information



サンプルコード … Sample Code

001 GUIウィンドウの構成, GUIウィンドウの表示 … Structure the GUI Window, Show the GUI Window

from tkinter import *

root = Tk()                     # Tkinter Window
root.title("sample_v1.py")      # Window Title
root.geometry("400x300")        # Window Size - Width / Height

root.mainloop()                 # Window Display




002 GUIウィンドウ上にボタンの追加 … Add Buttons to the GUI Window

from tkinter import *

root = Tk()                                 # Tkinter Window
root.title("sample_v2.py")                  # Window Title
root.geometry("400x300")                    # Window Size - Width / Height

tk_button_1 = Button(root, text="button 1") # Button Initilization
tk_button_2 = Button(root, text="button 2") # Button Initilization
tk_button_3 = Button(root, text="button 3") # Button Initilization

tk_button_1.pack()                          # Button Configuration
tk_button_2.pack()                          # Button Configuration
tk_button_3.pack()                          # Button Configuration

root.mainloop()                             # Window Display

上記のPythonプログラムは、Tkinterを使用してGUIを作成する方法を示しています。このプログラムには、3つのボタンが含まれており、それぞれに “button 1″、”button 2″、”button 3″というテキストが表示されます。


003 GUIウィンドウ上にボタンの追加 … Add Buttons to the GUI Window

from tkinter import *

root = Tk()                                 # Tkinter Window
root.title("sample_v3.py")                  # Window Title
root.geometry("400x300")                    # Window Size - Width / Height

tk_button_1 = Button(root, text="button 1") # Button Initilization
tk_button_2 = Button(root, text="button 2") # Button Initilization
tk_button_3 = Button(root, text="button 3") # Button Initilization
tk_button_4 = Button(root, text="button 4") # Button Initilization

tk_button_1.pack(side=TOP)                  # Button Configuration - Top
tk_button_2.pack(side=LEFT)                 # Button Configuration - Left
tk_button_3.pack(side=RIGHT)                # Button Configuration - Right
tk_button_4.pack(side=BOTTOM)               # Button Configuration - Bottom

root.mainloop()                             # Window Display






004 GUIウィンドウ上にボタンの追加 … Add Buttons to the GUI Window

from tkinter import *

root = Tk()                                 # Tkinter Window
root.title("sample_v4.py")                  # Window Title
root.geometry("400x300")                    # Window Size - Width / Height

tk_button_1 = Button(root, text="button 1") # Button Initilization
tk_button_2 = Button(root, text="button 2") # Button Initilization
tk_button_3 = Button(root, text="button 3") # Button Initilization

tk_button_1.pack(fill=X)                    # Button Configuration - Fill by X Direction
tk_button_2.pack(fill=X)                    # Button Configuration - Fill by X Direction
tk_button_3.pack(fill=X)                    # Button Configuration - Fill by X Direction

root.mainloop()                             # Window Display


  1. Tkinterウィンドウを作成し、タイトルとサイズを設定する。
  2. ボタンを初期化し、ウィンドウに配置する。
  3. mainloop()メソッドを呼び出して、ウィンドウを表示する。



005 GUIウィンドウ上にボタンの追加 … Add Buttons to the GUI Window

from tkinter import *

root = Tk()                                 # Tkinter Window
root.title("sample_v5.py")                  # Window Title
root.geometry("400x300")                    # Window Size - Width / Height

tk_button_1 = Button(root, text="button 1") # Button Initilization
tk_button_2 = Button(root, text="button 2") # Button Initilization
tk_button_3 = Button(root, text="button 3") # Button Initilization
tk_button_4 = Button(root, text="button 4") # Button Initilization

tk_button_1.pack(anchor=N)                  # Button Configuration - North
tk_button_2.pack(anchor=W)                  # Button Configuration - West
tk_button_3.pack(anchor=E)                  # Button Configuration - East
tk_button_4.pack(anchor=S)                  # Button Configuration - South

root.mainloop()                             # Window Display



006 GUIウィンドウ上にボタンの追加 … Add Buttons to the GUI Window

from tkinter import *

root = Tk()                                             # Tkinter Window
root.title("sample_v6.py")                              # Window Title
root.geometry("400x300")                                # Window Size - Width / Height

tk_button_1 = Button(root, text="button 1", width=10)   # Button Initilization - Width
tk_button_2 = Button(root, text="button 2", width=10)   # Button Initilization - Width
tk_button_3 = Button(root, text="button 3", width=10)   # Button Initilization - Width
tk_button_4 = Button(root, text="button 4", width=10)   # Button Initilization - Width
tk_button_5 = Button(root, text="button 5", width=10)   # Button Initilization - Width
tk_button_6 = Button(root, text="button 6", width=10)   # Button Initilization - Width
tk_button_7 = Button(root, text="button 7", width=10)   # Button Initilization - Width
tk_button_8 = Button(root, text="button 8", width=10)   # Button Initilization - Width
tk_button_9 = Button(root, text="button 9", width=10)   # Button Initilization - Width
tk_button_10 = Button(root, text="button 10", width=10) # Button Initilization - Width
tk_button_11 = Button(root, text="button 11", width=10) # Button Initilization - Width
tk_button_12 = Button(root, text="button 12", width=10) # Button Initilization - Width

tk_button_1.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=5, pady=2)       # Button Configuration - Row / Column / Padding X / Padding Y
tk_button_2.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=5, pady=2)       # Button Configuration - Row / Column / Padding X / Padding Y
tk_button_3.grid(row=0, column=2, padx=5, pady=2)       # Button Configuration - Row / Column / Padding X / Padding Y
tk_button_4.grid(row=0, column=3, padx=5, pady=2)       # Button Configuration - Row / Column / Padding X / Padding Y
tk_button_5.grid(row=1, column=0, padx=5, pady=2)       # Button Configuration - Row / Column / Padding X / Padding Y
tk_button_6.grid(row=1, column=1, padx=5, pady=2)       # Button Configuration - Row / Column / Padding X / Padding Y
tk_button_7.grid(row=1, column=2, padx=5, pady=2)       # Button Configuration - Row / Column / Padding X / Padding Y
tk_button_8.grid(row=1, column=3, padx=5, pady=2)       # Button Configuration - Row / Column / Padding X / Padding Y
tk_button_9.grid(row=2, column=0, padx=5, pady=2)       # Button Configuration - Row / Column / Padding X / Padding Y
tk_button_10.grid(row=2, column=1, padx=5, pady=2)      # Button Configuration - Row / Column / Padding X / Padding Y
tk_button_11.grid(row=2, column=2, padx=5, pady=2)      # Button Configuration - Row / Column / Padding X / Padding Y
tk_button_12.grid(row=2, column=3, padx=5, pady=2)      # Button Configuration - Row / Column / Padding X / Padding Y

root.mainloop()                                         # Window Display




007 GUIウィンドウ上にボタンの追加 … Add Buttons to the GUI Window

from tkinter import *

root = Tk()                                             # Tkinter Window
root.title("sample_v7.py")                              # Window Title
root.geometry("400x300")                                # Window Size - Width / Height

tk_button_1 = Button(root, text="button 1")             # Button Initilization
tk_button_2 = Button(root, text="button 2")             # Button Initilization
tk_button_3 = Button(root, text="button 3")             # Button Initilization
tk_button_4 = Button(root, text="button 4")             # Button Initilization

tk_button_1.place(x=50,  y=50,  width=50, height=50)    # Button Configuration - X / Y / Width / Padding / Height
tk_button_2.place(x=150, y=50,  width=50, height=50)    # Button Configuration - X / Y / Width / Padding / Height
tk_button_3.place(x=50,  y=150, width=50, height=50)    # Button Configuration - X / Y / Width / Padding / Height
tk_button_4.place(x=150, y=150, width=50, height=50)    # Button Configuration - X / Y / Width / Padding / Height

root.mainloop()                                         # Window Display


プログラムを実行すると、Tkinterウィンドウが開き、4つのボタンが表示されます。各ボタンには、”button 1″、”button 2″、”button 3″、”button 4″というテキストがあります。ボタンは、それぞれ50×50のサイズで配置されます。ボタンの位置は、place()メソッドを使用して指定されます。


008 GUIウィンドウ上にボタンの追加 … Add Buttons to the GUI Window

from tkinter import *

root = Tk()                                                         # Tkinter Window
root.title("sample_v8.py")                                          # Window Title
root.geometry("400x300")                                            # Window Size - Width / Height

tk_button_1 = Button(root, text="button 1")                         # Button Initilization
tk_button_2 = Button(root, text="button 2")                         # Button Initilization
tk_button_3 = Button(root, text="button 3")                         # Button Initilization
tk_button_4 = Button(root, text="button 4")                         # Button Initilization

tk_button_1.place(relx=0.0, rely=0.0, relwidth=0.3, relheight=0.3)  # Button Configuration - X / Y / Width / Height (0.0~1.0)
tk_button_2.place(relx=0.5, rely=0.0, relwidth=0.3, relheight=0.3)  # Button Configuration - X / Y / Width / Height (0.0~1.0)
tk_button_3.place(relx=0.0, rely=0.5, relwidth=0.3, relheight=0.3)  # Button Configuration - X / Y / Width / Height (0.0~1.0)
tk_button_4.place(relx=0.5, rely=0.5, relwidth=0.3, relheight=0.3)  # Button Configuration - X / Y / Width / Height (0.0~1.0)

root.mainloop()                                                     # Window Display




009 GUIウィンドウ上にチェックボックス/チェックボタンの追加 … Add Check Boxes / Check Buttons to the GUI Window

from tkinter import *

root = Tk()                                                     # Tkinter Window
root.title("sample_v9.py")                                      # Window Title
root.geometry("400x300")                                        # Window Size - Width / Height

tk_check_button_1 = Checkbutton(root, text="check button 1")    # Check Button Initilization
tk_check_button_2 = Checkbutton(root, text="check button 2")    # Check Button Initilization
tk_check_button_3 = Checkbutton(root, text="check button 3")    # Check Button Initilization

tk_check_button_1.pack()                                        # Check Button Configuration
tk_check_button_2.pack()                                        # Check Button Configuration
tk_check_button_3.pack()                                        # Check Button Configuration

root.mainloop()                                                 # Window Display


root = Tk()により、ウィンドウオブジェクトを作成し、root.title()により、ウィンドウのタイトルを設定します。root.geometry()により、ウィンドウのサイズを設定します。




010 GUIウィンドウ上に入力フォーム/テキストボックスの追加 … Add Text Boxes to the GUI Window

from tkinter import *

root = Tk()                        # Tkinter Window
root.title("sample_v10.py")         # Window Title
root.geometry("400x300")           # Window Size - Width / Height

tk_check_button_1 = Entry(root)    # Text Box Initilization
tk_check_button_2 = Entry(root)    # Text Box Initilization
tk_check_button_3 = Entry(root)    # Text Box Initilization

tk_check_button_1.pack()           # Text Box Configuration
tk_check_button_2.pack()           # Text Box Configuration
tk_check_button_3.pack()           # Text Box Configuration

root.mainloop()                    # Window Display




011 GUIウィンドウ上にラベルの追加 … Add Labels to the GUI Window

from tkinter import *

root = Tk()                                 # Tkinter Window
root.title("sample_v11.py")                 # Window Title
root.geometry("400x300")                    # Window Size - Width / Height

tk_label_1 = Label(root, text="label 1")    # Label Initilization
tk_label_2 = Label(root, text="label 2")    # Label Initilization
tk_label_3 = Label(root, text="label 3")    # Label Initilization

tk_label_1.pack()                           # Label Configuration
tk_label_2.pack()                           # Label Configuration
tk_label_3.pack()                           # Label Configuration

root.mainloop()                             # Window Display




012 GUIウィンドウ上のラジオボタンの追加 … Add Radio Buttons to the GUI Window

from tkinter import *

root = Tk()                                                     # Tkinter Window
root.title("sample_v12.py")                                     # Window Title
root.geometry("400x300")                                        # Window Size - Width / Height

tk_radio_button_1 = Radiobutton(root, text="radio button 1")    # Radio Button Initilization
tk_radio_button_2 = Radiobutton(root, text="radio button 2")    # Radio Button Initilization
tk_radio_button_3 = Radiobutton(root, text="radio button 3")    # Radio Button Initilization

tk_radio_button_1.pack()                                        # Radio Button Configuration
tk_radio_button_2.pack()                                        # Radio Button Configuration
tk_radio_button_3.pack()                                        # Radio Button Configuration

root.mainloop()                                                 # Window Display



013 GUIウィンドウ上の参照ボタンの追加/GUIウィンドウ上でパスを参照する(File) … Add Reference Buttons to the GUI Window

### GUI Structure #############################################################
#   root [400px*300px]
#       - frame 1 [1.0(400px)*30px]
#               - frame 1-1 [300px*(30px)]
#                       - Entry [1.0(300px)*(30px)]
#               - frame 1-2 [100px*(30px)]
#                       - Button [1.0(100px)*(30px)]
### Standard Library ##########################################################

import os,sys
from functools import partial
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import filedialog

### Function ##################################################################

def reference_box_file(entry):
    fTyp = [("", "*")]
    iFile = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
    iFilePath = filedialog.askopenfilename(filetype = fTyp, initialdir = iFile)

### Main Code #################################################################

if __name__ == "__main__":

    root = Tk()                                                                                     # Tkinter Window
    root.title("sample_v13.py")                                                                     # Window Title
    root.geometry("400x300")                                                                        # Window Size - Width / Height

    tk_frame_1 = Frame(root,height=30)                                                              # Window Frame 1 Initialization
    tk_frame_1.pack(fill=X)                                                                         # Window Frame 1 Configuration

    tk_frame_1_1 = Frame(tk_frame_1)                                                                # Window Frame 1-1 Initialization
    tk_frame_1_1.place(width=300)                                                                   # Window Frame 1-1 Configuration

    tk_frame_1_2 = Frame(tk_frame_1)                                                                # Window Frame 1-2 Initialization
    tk_frame_1_2.place(x=300,width=100)                                                             # Window Frame 1-2 Configuration

    entry_var = StringVar()                                                                         # Text Variable
    tk_entry_1 = Entry(tk_frame_1_1, textvariable=entry_var)                                        # Entry Initialization
    tk_entry_1.pack(fill=X)                                                                         # Entry Configuration

    tk_button_1 = Button(tk_frame_1_2, text="参照", command=partial(reference_box_file, entry_var)) # Button Initialization
    tk_button_1.pack(fill=X)                                                                        # Button Configuration

    root.mainloop()                                                                                 # Window Display




013 GUIウィンドウ上の参照ボタンの追加/GUIウィンドウ上でパスを参照する(Folder/Directory) … Add Reference Buttons to the GUI Window

### GUI Structure #############################################################
#   root [400px*300px]
#       - frame 1 [1.0(400px)*30px]
#               - frame 1-1 [300px*(30px)]
#                       - Entry [1.0(300px)*(30px)]
#               - frame 1-2 [100px*(30px)]
#                       - Button [1.0(100px)*(30px)]
### Standard Library ##########################################################

import os,sys
from functools import partial
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import filedialog

### Function ##################################################################

def reference_box_folder(entry):
    iDir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
    iDirPath = filedialog.askdirectory(initialdir = iDir)

### Main Code #################################################################

if __name__ == "__main__":

    root = Tk()                                                                                     # Tkinter Window
    root.title("sample_v14.py")                                                                     # Window Title
    root.geometry("400x300")                                                                        # Window Size - Width / Height

    tk_frame_1 = Frame(root,height=30)                                                              # Window Frame 1 Initialization
    tk_frame_1.pack(fill=X)                                                                         # Window Frame 1 Configuration

    tk_frame_1_1 = Frame(tk_frame_1)                                                                # Window Frame 1-1 Initialization
    tk_frame_1_1.place(width=300)                                                                   # Window Frame 1-1 Configuration

    tk_frame_1_2 = Frame(tk_frame_1)                                                                # Window Frame 1-2 Initialization
    tk_frame_1_2.place(x=300,width=100)                                                             # Window Frame 1-2 Configuration

    entry_var = StringVar()                                                                         # Text Variable
    tk_entry_1 = Entry(tk_frame_1_1, textvariable=entry_var)                                        # Entry Initialization
    tk_entry_1.pack(fill=X)                                                                         # Entry Configuration

    tk_button_1 = Button(tk_frame_1_2, text="参照", command=partial(reference_box_folder, entry_var)) # Button Initialization
    tk_button_1.pack(fill=X)                                                                        # Button Configuration

    root.mainloop()                                                                                 # Window Display




参考リンク … Reference Link